From now through April 10, worshipers at Saint Stephen Lutheran Church, Marlborough, can get both food – and food for thought at the Word-Up Wednesday soup supper and holy communion church service. Come at 6:30 each Wednesday for a simple soup and bread supper and stay for a service that will examine liberation theologies, centering on LGBTQ identities, disability, ecology, and others.
“Each Wednesday, we gather in prayer, break bread, have some soup and discussion, then conclude with sharing the wine, just as the earliest Christians gathered,” says Saint Stephen Pastor Joseph Graumann. Wednesday worship provides “an opportunity for people who can’t get to church on Sundays to come and experience Jesus,” says the pastor, as well as something less formal than a traditional Sunday service for people who might want two weekly options during Lent. It more resembles gatherings in the first century church where “early Christians sang songs you didn’t need a hymn book for, shared stories of their ancestors, talked about God at work in the world, and shared communion,” he added. At St. Stephen, everyone who wishes to share the bread and wine is welcome at communion. In addition to Word-Up Wednesdays, the weekly Sunday worship takes place at 9:30 am, followed by coffee and fellowship. Sunday School for children from pre-school through grade 6 takes place during part of the service.
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