Spring weather is approaching – really! – and with it comes the need for a different wardrobe. For some families, spring and summer gift-giving occasions compete for the same dollars needed to purchase clothing or food. The people of Saint Stephen Lutheran Church, 537 Bolton St. (Route 85), Marlborough would like to help by offering an Accessories and Clothing Giveaway on Saturday, April 28 from 10 am to 1:00 pm.This is the tenth Clothing Giveaway the church has offered over the past five years.
Gently used clothing for men, women, babies, and children, will be offered for free. Clothing is in good to excellent condition, and most of it is arranged by size, with many items on hangers, to create the feeling of shopping in a store. Accessories, such as shoes, belts, bags, scarves, and costume jewelry will also be available, at no cost. Adult clothing is seasonal, but there may be fall items among the children’s clothing, since parents often like to plan ahead for the next size and season.. Those who come can bring their own bag, or take a bag provided and fill it with whatever they can use. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that an average person throws away 70 lbs. of clothing every year totaling 21-24 billion pounds going into landfills annually. Just about a week after Earth Day, Saint Stephen parishioners and friends who donate clean, popular, wearable items that customers will take and use, believe they are helping not only individuals but also the earth, keeping good clothing out of landfills. For more information about the church, visit saintstephenlutheran.com or the church’s Facebook page. Saint Stephen is a member of the New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (www.elca.org) The church is a Reconciling in Christ congregation, inviting people of every gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, ability, marital status, or class. Parishioners come from Marlborough, Hudson, Berlin, Northborough, Southborough, Westborough, Shrewsbury, Sudbury, and Bolton. Worship services take place on Sunday at 9:30 am.
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