Three Confirmed Sunday at St. Stephen Church
On the church calendar, Sunday, June 4 was Pentecost at St. Stephen Lutheran Church, Marlborough. While some parishioners wore red to honor the color of the day, and others brought red geraniums to be planted outside later, everyone also celebrated the confirmation of three young people and agreed to “support” and “pray for them.” Samantha Gogan, Matthew Haley, and Samuel Maston, all of Hudson, became the newest full members of St. Stephen. Confirmation, also known as the “Affirmation of Baptism” culminated three years of study. Confirmands were given copies of the Lutheran Study Bible and enjoyed a cake reception afterwards.
We had a wonderful day together worshiping God, feeding our community, and making music. For more information about our event, go to Thanks to everyone who made this a possibility, and thanks to Barbara Parente for her fine photography skills.
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